Thursday, January 20, 2011

Gender and Higher Education in Times of Globalization

Dr. Nelly Stromquist
On March 10, 2011, as part of the Public Culture Series of Educational Studies, Dr. Nelly Stromquist of University of Maryland will give a talk, “Gender and Higher Education in Times of Globalization.” The typical US university encounters globalization primarily through competition with other universities for prestige and resources. These are the rewards they hope to gain by securing major funding for research, by emphasizing scientific and technological discoveries and marketable products, and by attaining top ranks in comparison with institutional peers at home and abroad. In this context, what types of knowledge are considered relevant? What spaces are left for critical thinking and voices? What specific challenges does gender face in research universities? My presentation will attempt to place challenges and possibilities in balance.

Dr. Stromquist holds a PhD degree in International Development Education from Stanford University and a master’s in political science from the Monterey Institute of International Studies. She specializes in issues related to social change and gender, which she examines from the perspective of critical sociology. Her research interests focus on the dynamics of educational policies and practices, gender relations, and equity, particularly in Latin America. She is author of numerous articles and several books. Among the books as sole author, most recent are Feminist Organizations and Social Transformation in Latin America (2006); Education in a Globalized World. The Connectivity of Economic Power, Technology, and Knowledge (2002); and Literacy for Citizenship: Gender and Grassroots Dynamics in Brazil (1997). She is also editor of La construcción del género en las políticas públicas. Perspectivas comparadas desde América Latina (2006); Distant Alliances. Promoting the Education of Girls and Women in Latin America (with Regina Cortina, 2000), Globalization and Culture: Integration and Contestation Across Cultures (with Karen Monkman, 2000). She was a Fulbright New Century Scholar during 2005–06 and is former president of the Comparative and International Education Society.
A video recording of Dr. Stromquist’s talk is now available on the EDST website.

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