Online access to full-text e-books has become a viable option. Please be aware of various services at the UBC Library, including the following links:
You can access entire books online, and chapters in e-books/edited e-books, not just articles.
Equally, you may want to know that the Vancouver Public Library (VPL) allows e-book and audiobook borrowing and consultation for residents of Vancouver, and of BC more generally. More information is available at
Not least, you may also want to be aware of the Reciprocal Borrowing for UBC faculty, students and staff agreements established between UBC and other university libraries across BC, Canada, and the United States. Consult Reciprocal borrowing agreements may—under some circumstances—provide additional access venues to e-books and other digital materials not available at UBC.
As e-book and digital services expand, you may want to acquaint yourself with the way these services shape our access to scholarly materials, their use in class and in research, and the way they should be referenced/cited. The UBC Library provides an extensive information sheet to that effect at
Remember to always consider copyright concerns. UBC’s copyright website has detailed information for the UBC community.