Monday, February 27, 2012


Dr. Michelle Stack, EDST, writes about bullying in schools policy in this editorial.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Dynamic Interviews

Nora Timmerman, PhD Candidate
We have released two new videos in our series of interviews. Dr. Amy Metcalfe, EDST professor, discusses the use of visual research methods in higher education and a course she has developed on this topic. And a current PhD candidate, Nora Timmerman, talks about her research on ecological justice and further illuminates the student experience at EDST.

Watch the interviews now on our website or YouTube channel.

Friday, February 10, 2012

“The Olympic Jolt”

Rob VanWynsberghe of EDST was featured in a recent UBC Reports issue. Rob talks about his research on the impact of mega-events: “entire social policies can be reworked in the name of hosting.” Read the full article on UBC Reports.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

SSHRC Scholarly Journal Grant Awarded to Lesley Andres

Lesley Andres, Professor in EDST, has been awarded a $67,650 SSHRC Aid to Scholarly Journals grant to support the work of the Canadian Journal of Higher Education, a fully online, open source publication of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education. Established in 1970, the Journal publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts on topics that are relevant to the Canadian higher education system and its structures, processes, and community. The CJHE promotes research with international and comparative dimensions in relation to Canadian higher education. The Journal is the only national, refereed research journal in Canada focusing on higher education as a field of scholarly inquiry. In 2006 Lesley took on the role of the journal’s Editor-in-Chief and Sharon Hu, instructional designer in EPLT, became the journal manager. Together, they will continue to incorporate additional features of the OJS (Open Journal Systems) into the CJHE with the goal of promoting open access publishing in higher education.

Newsletter, January 2012

Read our latest EDST Newsletter, January 2012, for a summary of the latest news from faculty, students, and guests, and upcoming events.