Let me welcome you to our EDST Blog. This is part of a departmental communication strategy that we hope will not only provide news and information but will also serve as a means to build our community.
The EDST Communication Committee is co-chaired by Michelle Stack and Amy Metcalfe. Michelle has taken primary responsibility for improving our website and for external communications to prospective students and professional associations. For the first time this Fall we advertised our graduate programs and we are in direct contact with the British Columbia Principals’ and Vice-Principals’ Association (BCPVPA), the Post-Secondary Educators of British Columbia (PSEBC) and the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation (BCTF). Do check the rejuvenated website with videos and current information on department activities.
Amy has taken primary responsibility for our internal communication with each other, the Emeriti, our alumni and other relevant academic units inside the university. We invite you to contribute to this Blog with stories about your research, work in the field, and experiences in EDST. As enough material is accumulated we will transform this into a newsletter-type of publication that will be distributed as a pdf and through a limited print-run under the heading Think Educational Studies.
This will only work if you contribute. We need summaries of published books, complete theses, ongoing research projects, retirement projects and news of interesting activities from around the globe. We are looking for text but also multimedia materials for our website (e.g., a podcast or a short video about your research).
Our work has been made possible because of the skills of the newest staff member, Adrian Bartel (Web and Database Coordinator). Other members of the committee include Daniel Vokey who got things running earlier in the term, and PhD students Patrick Radebe and Nora Timmerman. Special thanks to Kalervo Gulson for his work on the Communications Committee in 2010.
If you have ideas or something you want to share please send it to Adrian, and cc Michelle and Amy. We look forward to hearing from you.
Donald Fisher